The problem is it is all the same. Watch the movie Dark Waters on line for about $5 which talks about the poisonous nature of Teflon made by DuPont and everything it is in - makeup, lipstick, pots, rainproof jackets, rainproof rugs, non-stick baking trays, pizza boxes. Here's a bigger list.
Then another example. I have a friend whose husband is going through chemotherapy. I've long known that chemotherapy can kill you quicker than cancer - it happened to my dad. But it and cancer "treatment" is a trillion dollar "industry". He was told last week after having 1 series of treatments that if another was needed, he would be doing immunotherapy instead as they're phasing out chemotherapy. There must be a big lawsuit pending somewhere.
Then look at the use of sprays to control weeds and pests. Same deal, in all our food. Saw your veggie garden - very good work.
Then look at the food pyramid still used.
Good doctors still exist, they are just controlled by their industry too and the threats made by the pharma companies if they dont comply.
I am so pleased Linda is recovering well <3.
The problem is it is all the same. Watch the movie Dark Waters on line for about $5 which talks about the poisonous nature of Teflon made by DuPont and everything it is in - makeup, lipstick, pots, rainproof jackets, rainproof rugs, non-stick baking trays, pizza boxes. Here's a bigger list.
Then another example. I have a friend whose husband is going through chemotherapy. I've long known that chemotherapy can kill you quicker than cancer - it happened to my dad. But it and cancer "treatment" is a trillion dollar "industry". He was told last week after having 1 series of treatments that if another was needed, he would be doing immunotherapy instead as they're phasing out chemotherapy. There must be a big lawsuit pending somewhere.
Then look at the use of sprays to control weeds and pests. Same deal, in all our food. Saw your veggie garden - very good work.
Then look at the food pyramid still used.
Good doctors still exist, they are just controlled by their industry too and the threats made by the pharma companies if they dont comply.
Appols for not seeing this earlier. Thanks so much. Linda has never used makeup :) Too beautiful without it :)
Thanks Jenni. Will watch it. I did note recently though, that the 2 ingredients in Remdesevere (sp) was Cyanide and Teflon